Thursday, March 1, 2012

My dog is snoring

Who knew dogs could snore sooo loud? It's kinda irritating but when that snore goes away forever I will miss it so much. She's been a part of my life for 11 years and I'm afraid that her time to go is soon. She has cancer all over and to be honest is fat as hell because she can't exercise due to a torn A.C.L. So why am I posting about this? Because she is asleep in my lapp right now, did i mention she is almost 100 pounds? yeah and she still thinks she's a lap dog.


  1. I'm really sorry about your dog, when that time comes, it really really hurts. I loved the part about how she thinks she's a lap dog-- fantastic!

  2. I Love this, its random but its so good. I can relate because i just recently had to put my dog down.
