Monday, February 27, 2012

Complain when it's your fault.

"Why are guys such a-holes, they are so selfish bla bla bla...."

When I hear things like this is really ruffles my feathers. You know all of those guys that you don't even give the time of day? Yeah those are the nice ones that you are just too good for. Granted they might just be the weird fetchers but they aren't the "a-holes" you all complain about. When a guy approaches you and you don't know him, remember that. All the girls in the world complain about how guys never ask girls on dates. It's because you are scary, you have the power to crush a guy with one simple word. Change the picture you have painted for your self.

I just dropped some knowlage on ya'll.
use it wisely
W.hen i hear things like 

Do I think about you?

I'm thinkin about you and how you are a fool
I'm thinkin of you the same way I think of stool
If I got the chance I might throw you in a pool
No I wouldnt thats a lie
I'm just too nice of a guy
Is that my weakness?
Am I just too nice?
Should I throw her in a pit with mice?
NO I'm too nice

In conclusion, if I have to be a douche to be a ladies man
then I'll be single for ever.

Not single like "oh hey I'm just gunna whore around"
single like "you missed out.."

I won't change to get the ladies

Writting a whole lotta stuffs

I needed to catch up on my posts for behold my interwebs were down for a bit, but it aint no thang because a lot has happened sence my last post that I wanna get of my chest. Like my last couple of poofart posts or how bad my place of work is getting.... really mostly the poofart tho. I think I'm attracted to the lady-douches of the world. Not once has it turned out like I planned, and the only reason I feel comfortable posting this is because you are unaware of who I really am.

You know "that still small voice" that you are suposed to follow? Well I follow it and it gets me no where. "Thanks lord but I don't need any more poor advice, poor advice"

life and death beotch

I am not so afraid of death, just how death will happen. You know like a slow painfull death is not exactly my bag baby. I'm not sure what will come about on the other side or if there even is another side but there is no gettin around it so why fear it? Can ya dig it?


Just to clarify poofarts are all of the two-faced people out there, or just selfish. Basicly it is any baudy who will tell you one thing then screw you over in a heart beat

My fears I wrote about just came true

Yup I was so scared that this would happen, history repeated its self once again. She ended up being a poofart (You think it will just be cool funny and releaving but really its a poo just masked by all of that) One 60 dolla date and another one planned and pay for that would cost over 100 dolla dolla bills.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Learn to enjoy the little things

Where is the life in the life you live? If you can make the little things fun, then life will be fun.

What is love?

I speak not of the mushy gooshy love all us high schoolers think they know, I speak of the love that will rip you to shreads if you go for an extended time with out it. like you're cereal (reference to class today)